North Crawford FFA judging team members traveled to River Ridge to their annual judging competition! 11 FFA members competed on 2 dairy judging teams and a livestock team.
over 1 year ago, Ag Room
We are a week away from Apple Fest. Our seniors will be selling street tacos to raise money for their class trip to New York City! Find us downtown across from the vet clinic on Saturday and Sunday! Thank you for your support!
over 1 year ago, Jen Kapinus
Taco Stand
WELCOME to North Crawford!! Today we highlight new Middle School Special Education Teacher, Ms. Tracy Morovits-Feye. Ms. Feye joins our middle school team this year after many years of teaching experience in the Prairie du Chien School District, as well as experience in the private sector. She will be teaching and supporting our middle school students who are supported by an IEP. Ms. Feye brings a wealth of knowledge, experience, and compassion that will impact all students and staff. #TrojanPride
over 1 year ago, North Crawford School District
Tracy Morovits-Feye
The North Crawford Boys Basketball Club is hosting a 2 on 2 basketball tournament Applefest weekend. See the flyer for more details. #TrojanPride
over 1 year ago, North Crawford School District
Applefest 2 on 2 tournament
North Crawford is currently looking for families / businesses / organizations who would like to be part of Trick or Trunk at the Fall Festival (Oct. 21st). Decorate your trunk and provide candy/item for trick or treaters that come to the event! Please reach out to Mrs. Killeen to register via email
over 1 year ago, Amanda Killeen
WELCOME to North Crawford!! Today we highlight new High School Mathematics Teacher, Mr. John Madden. Mr. Madden joins our high school team this year after many years of teaching experience in the Viroqua School District. He will be teaching Geometry, Pre-Calculus, and Math Topics this year, as well as supporting students during Math Practice. Mr. Madden brings a wealth of mathematical knowledge, teaching experience, and life experience that will directly benefit our students. #TrojanPride
over 1 year ago, North Crawford School District
John Madden
AP Chemistry about to see an exciting experiment...
over 1 year ago, Rob Sailer
Physical Science students learning about water displacement and suction.
over 1 year ago, Rob Sailer
ATHLETIC UPDATES: The JV Football game at Belmont today has been cancelled. The Middle School Volleyball match will start at 6pm tonight. Go Trojans! #TrojanPride
over 1 year ago, Jeff Murphy
In cooperation with Driftless Development and the Prairie du Chien School District, we are asking any parents and community residents to respond to a survey to examine the feasibility of creating a Career and Technical Education Center in Prairie du Chien, that would potentially serve all students of Crawford County. Please click the link below to access the survey, which should take 5 minutes or less to complete. Please consider taking this brief survey.
over 1 year ago, North Crawford School District
CTE Survey
Our seniors are all set up at the Gays Mills Flea Market. Stop by and get your baked potato, and check out the vendors. The kids appreciate your support to get them to NYC!
over 1 year ago, North Crawford Cafe
baked potato stand
Click the link below to access the district's final Construction Update Newsletter. We're proud of the work that was done in the district this summer, and sincerely thank our communities for your support in passing a referendum that made this work possible. Great things are happening at North Crawford!! #TrojanPride
over 1 year ago, North Crawford School District
District Construction Update
Please stop by the Gays Mills Flea Market and support our seniors who are raising money to go to New York City.
over 1 year ago, Jen Kapinus
Baked Potato Fundraiser
The North Crawford School District and staff, specifically Stephanie Colsch, were honored for being one of the top-producing Youth Apprenticeship programs in southwest Wisconsin. The criteria is based on the number of students who are available to participate divided by the number of students who successfully complete the Youth Apprenticeship program. In 2022-23 North Crawford had 17 students successfully participate in the program which is approximately 26% of the eligible population. Statewide the average participation rate is about 6%. North Crawford has seen significant growth in Youth Apprenticeship participation. In 2020-2021, ten (10) students participated. Great job to the entire CTE team!!! Thank you for providing great opportunities for our students!
over 1 year ago, Rob Sailer
Building fishing poles in class from scratch. Later this year the kids will get to try them out on the waters. We can't wait to see what they catch!!!
over 1 year ago, Rob Sailer
ATHLETIC UPDATES FOR SEPTEMBER 5: The JV Football game against Highland has been cancelled. The JV Volleyball match against Weston has been cancelled. The Varsity ONLY Volleyball match against Weston will start at 7:00pm. #TrojanPride
over 1 year ago, Jeff Murphy
There will be no Middle School Volleyball practice tonight. The High School Volleyball team will practice right after school.
over 1 year ago, Jeff Murphy
Dear 6-12 Students and Parents, We hope this message finds you well and excited for the upcoming school year. As we gear up to embark on a year of growth and excitement, we would like to remind you of some important information to ensure a smooth and productive start. RISE: Resilience, Integrity, Safety, Efficacy This year, we're embracing the values of RISE: Resilience, Integrity, Safety, and Efficacy. These values will guide us as we navigate challenges, uphold our principles, prioritize safety, and work together to achieve our goals. Morning Routine and Breakfast A timely start sets the tone for the day. Please remember to be at school no later than 8:05 AM. High school students can grab breakfast from the concession stand in the commons, while middle school students will enjoy their breakfast in their usual location. Footwear Policy To preserve the new gym floors, street shoes will NOT be allowed. Please make sure to bring appropriate indoor shoes or plan to be in socks when in the gym for activities. Parking and Drop-Off High school students can enter through the same doors as last year (front or side entrances). We kindly ask students to leave the row of parking spots closest to the building open. With increased demand for daycare services, our 6-12 staff will park in the student lot to free up space for parents. New-Modern Facility This summer, $4.5 million was invested in renovations to create a new-modern facility. We believe our students deserve the best learning environment, and we hope you'll join us in appreciating and respecting these newly upgraded facilities. A huge thank you goes out to our maintenance staff for their tireless work and dedication in completing these projects. Dress Code and Cell Phone Policy As temperatures rise, please remember that our dress code is in effect. Additionally, hats are not allowed in the building. We want to remind you that cell phones are not allowed for students in grades 6-8, while students in grades 9-12 may carry their phones but will place them in a pocket holder upon entering the classroom. A Year of Growth and Excitement We are thrilled about the possibilities this year holds. It's a year of growth, learning, and shared achievements. Let's approach it with enthusiasm and a commitment to our RISE values. Thank you for being a part of our school community. Here's to a successful and rewarding academic year! Sincerely,
over 1 year ago, Rob Sailer
Reminder to stop out to our Open House tonight from 4:00-7:00 p.m. to meet your child's teachers, have school pictures taken, find out your busing information, and drop off school supplies. And dinner is on us in the cafeteria. Great things are happening at North Crawford!!
over 1 year ago, North Crawford School District
Open House
Don't forget to stop in the cafeteria this evening for supper! The meal is free for all! Our childcare center will be selling treats to raise money for new playground equipment.
over 1 year ago, Jen Kapinus
Community Meal