Hello North Crawford families. We will have an extended Easter Holiday break next week. Vacation will start on Wednesday, April 8th, with school resuming on Monday, April 13th. Students and staff will not be responsible for sending or completing work during this time. Please continue to practice social distancing and following the "Safer at Home" orders to help us all stay safe during these scary times. #TrojanPride
almost 5 years ago, North Crawford School District
Easter Break Update
NC Staff Missing the students #TrojanPride #stayhomestaysafe
almost 5 years ago, Amy Anderson
Miss You!
Miss you!
Miss You
Miss You
NC Staff Miss the students #TrojanPride #strongertogether
almost 5 years ago, Amy Anderson
Miss You
Miss You
Miss You
Miss You
NC Staff Miss the students #TrojanPride #strongertogether
almost 5 years ago, Amy Anderson
We are serving on average 375 students, two meals daily. Including today's meal - we have served a total of 7,450 meals! Thank you to the dedicated food service staff, educational assistants, and drivers for all of your hard work in supporting this important program. #TrojanPride
almost 5 years ago, Amanda Killeen
North Crawford will be modifying our food service delivery schedule starting Monday, April 6th. We are going to change to one delivery per week. We will still be delivering the same amount of food, but will be delivering at the beginning of the week for the entire week. It's important to limit the exposure of our staff members. If you need to make any changes to your delivery status, please contact director Jennifer Kapinus. Please see the updated schedule below for deliveries in April. Monday, April 6th Tuesday, April 14th Monday, April 20th Monday, April 27th
almost 5 years ago, North Crawford School District
Food Service Update
Greetings North Crawford Elementary Families - please read the link below. The newsletter includes suggestions on supporting your child's emotional health during this time from Mrs. Ellerbusch and an update on our distance learning plan. https://www.smore.com/d2gqv
almost 5 years ago, Amanda Killeen
elm. newsletter img.
Hello North Crawford Families. Please click the link below to see a video message with district updates from Superintendent Brandon Munson. #TrojanPride https://youtu.be/YV_cHPsasLc
almost 5 years ago, North Crawford School District
Superintendent Update Week of 3-30
NC Staff Miss their Students #TrojanPride #strongertogether
almost 5 years ago, Amy Anderson
Missing You
Missing you
Miss You
Miss You
NC Teachers miss their students! #staferathome #TrojanPride
almost 5 years ago, Amy Anderson
I miss all of you!
She misses you
We miss you
Miss you very much
Good afternoon Middle and High School Parents. I have attached a letter to help clarify what our current educational process is and what it will look like moving forward. I hope that this letter finds you healthy and able to navigate the challenges that this pandemic presents.
almost 5 years ago, Toby Tripalin
Letter to Middle and High School Parents
Thank you to one of our amazing community partners Richland-Grant Telephone Cooperative. They provided a free WiFi hotspot for the district to install on our building. Families or community members who are in need of internet services are welcome to park in the school's front parking lot and use the wireless internet. The attached map shows that you should park on the high school side of the front lot to ensure the best WiFi signal. Great things are happening at North Crawford Schools!!
almost 5 years ago, North Crawford School District
Richland-Grant WiFi Map
Today is day 4 of our meal delivery service and we have served nearly 3000 meals! Nathan Stubbs is loving his lunch and breakfast. We love hearing from kids and parents. Please keep sending your pictures and notes, we love receiving them.
almost 5 years ago, Jen Kapinus
The Elementary will be transitioning to an online platform to share educational materials after April 8th. We want to ensure that each student grades K-5th has some type of learning device that enables them to access their online learning. Please complete the short survey below by Thursday, March 26th at 10:00am. Your quick response helps us to plan our next steps in distribution. Please email Mrs. Killeen if you have any questions @ akilleen@ncrawford.k12.wi.us Survey: https://forms.gle/uByJzQCCpSXZ893N9
almost 5 years ago, Amanda Killeen
Please click the link below to view a video message from Superintendent Brandon Munson with some district updates regarding COVID-19. Please check for weekly updates on Mondays. https://youtu.be/tKbGBWTSe-A
almost 5 years ago, North Crawford School District
COVID-19 video update
North Crawford families and community members in need of support with food, please see the attached flyer regarding the Gays Mills Food Pantry and the monthly Second Harvest food deliveries. Please share this message to help spread the word.
almost 5 years ago, North Crawford School District
Food Announcements
North Crawford Elementary families, please click the link below to read a letter from Principal Amanda Killeen. https://tinyurl.com/wusl8hm
almost 5 years ago, Amanda Killeen
Today we loaded 6 vans with 750 meals for 375 students! Special thanks to our kitchen staff, educational professionals and the transportation team for making this possible. If we missed you, please let us know. Thank you for your patience as we continue to work on our routes.
almost 5 years ago, Jen Kapinus
Delivery 1
Delivery 2
Delivery 3
North Crawford Middle and High School families. Please click the link below to read a letter from Principal Toby Tripalin. https://5il.co/dx7m
almost 5 years ago, North Crawford School District
Note from Principal Toby Tripalin
At this time we are planning to start meal deliveries on Thursday. We are sending lunch and breakfast for the next day. Please put a cooler near your front door for us to leave the food in. There will be perishable food and milk, please bring meals in as soon as possible. If there is no cooler we will leave the meals in a bag near the door. We are trying to limit face to face interaction as much as possible. Please be patient with us as we begin to navigate this huge undertaking. If you were missed on the route or need to make any changes please contact Jen Kapinus at jkapinus@ncrawford.k12.wi.us or 608-735-7213. Please help us by sharing this information with friends and family.
almost 5 years ago, North Crawford Cafe