We are all valued members of a learning community. In partnership with the parents and other citizens of North Crawford, the students, teachers and staff believe it is our mutual responsibility, as learners, to create and maintain a caring environment conducive to learning.

Opportunities, resources and time are available to each person at North Crawford to listen, learn from and communicate effectively with each other. We believe in a climate which is drug, alcohol, and violence free, where each participant is treated with respect and fairness.

North Crawford's essential vision centers upon the conviction that each of us, as learners, will demonstrate through our actions the abilities to:

  • Work constructively and collaboratively with others

  • Communicate effectively

  • Take responsibility for our learning

  • Evaluate and improve our performance

  • Identify and solve problems

  • Respect the inherent differences in a diverse community

  • Think creatively, critically and independently

  • Apply knowledge to real-life situations